Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Mac + Water + PRAYER = Dodged a Bullet

Oochie mamma! I dodged a bullet last night. I'm settling into my favorite chair, about to check email from the day, thirsty so I go to take a drink and then splash! Water on the Mac PowerBook G4.
Ahhh! I unplug, tip over and run to our other computer to search online for "spill on laptop." I then run back to the tipped over Mac, power down, remove the battery and start with the hair dryer on medium. Throughout this time, much prayer.

Well this morning everything works fine so far. Powered on, screen looks fine, keys and trackpad work. I'm about to go into the office, so we'll see if all the plug in items work. Update coming...
Yes, everything works.
By the way, I've been a Mac convert for about two years now and love them! Unless forced to, I'll never go back to pc again.
You can check out the newest Macs here, here, and here.

Children's Ministry 101

Wayne Geer

1 Comment:

Mr. Vic said...

Glad to know you dodged the bullet. Now where are some more posts? I need my fix!