Thursday, November 29, 2007

The Golden Compass

It’s all the buzz in Christian circles lately, the fact that The Golden Compass will be in theaters this month. TV, movie trailers and the internet are doing their normal blitz of ads promoting the movie. Here at Children's Ministry 101, my goal is to partner with you, so I wanted to take time to give some wisdom as you help your families with their decision whether or not to see the movie. And I do believe this is one of the opportunities for us as children's pastors to encourage parents to take the lead rather than push our own thoughts or agenda.

Search. I would encourage you and your families to do a Google search about the movie. You may also want to include in your search the words “Christian” and “review.” You will definitely come up with quite a few hits that will give you plenty to read. Wikipedia is another site worth checking out. Both Christianity Today and Plugged In Online have insightful previews of the movie along with pertinent information about the author, Phillip Pullman.

Pray. Knowing how vital it is for us to be dependent on God, take time to pray about your decision concerning the movie. Encourage your parents to be in prayer about this decision and to pray with their children about making wise choices as well. God not only hears and answers, but also gives wisdom.

Act. Instruct your families to take time to talk about their decision with their children. Most definitely the movie is going to be a hot topic for elementary age kids the next few weeks. Have them prepare their children with solid biblical and parental reasons for their decision. Also, remind parents to use this opportunity as one more teaching moment about God, His Word and wise choices.
